This was a crazy experiment for a hyped up virus. Where else could this covid injection travel to? Brain, spinal cord, essential organs, I think this covid shambles has been madness on steroids and it looks as if everyone - scientists and non scientists are going to embark on one very long learning curve. The old saying comes to mind, fools rush in where angles fear to tread!

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Nicely written and befitting of the name of your Substack.

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thanks for posting this very interesting and informative subject. Important information when considering side effects of the mRNA injections and potential causes.

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There are two spaces in the link to the document for the nucleotide sequence that break it. In the navigation bar, when you get the 404 error page, remove the two '%20' sequences and hit the enter key.

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Thank you for this explanation. I will post it tomorrow on Facebook.

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What is wrong with our health regulators? Greed, hubris, flawed paradigms and entrenched bureaucracy.

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Clever bioweapon.

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Good point.

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If you have not seen it yet, there is a testimony in front of a South Carolina Senate committee by Prof. Dr. Philip Buckhaults. An also an exclusive interview. He tried to falsify Kiernans findings of DNA plasmids. He ended up verifying his results. His estimate: there could be around 200 BILLION pieces of plasmid DNA PER shoot!


and https://maryannedemasi.substack.com/p/exclusive-an-interview-with-buckhaults?publication_id=1044435&post_id=137257312&isFreemail=true&r=25cl4m&utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

And I think you would also 'enjoy' this: https://drbine.substack.com/p/solari-special-report-future-science?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2

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What if organic mRNA is too fragile to survive -- what if instead synthetic biological components are used, hydrogel/graphene oxide and self-assembling nanopartuclate elements (including quantum dot technologies)? What if, under time-lapse microscopy we see (when exposed to Wi-Fi, or microwave energy, or low voltage electrical currents) these nanobots manufacturing components that then travel throughout the body, some manufacturing white, rubbery clot-ish materials that are actually a form of antennae so that you are now a receiver and a transmitter of data through the 5G system? What if there are patents for this? What if three one minutes bursts through cell phones, local 5G towers, wi-fi routers, etc. at a given frequency trigger a pathogen payload that was encased in the graphene oxide nanoparticle package or quantum dots delivered through the jabs? And these pathogens then manifest as any number of deadly diseases or "variants" to trigger more fear and the need for more emergency measures? What if this was intentionally orchestrated and executed through the DOD via HHS instead of the pharmaceutical company's superintendence and they were contractually granted waivers for these experimental creations and they were instead created as bioweapons countermeasures and require no trials, testing, or FDA approval due to the state of emergency that preceded their being created (and the subsequent hearing and investigations that uncovered faulty trials were all for show to disguise the fact that the FDA, CDC and others were simply complicit and held harmless in the appearance of correct manufacturing practices to divert attention away form the military operation)? What if the patents for the CVD scamdemic can be traced back to the 1960's and forward (5200 total) and Dr David Martin exposes them to the European Parliment in a viral 21 minute episode? What if multiple scientists, researchers, doctors and synthetic warefare specialists throughout the world are seeing this same nanoparticle circuitry in the blood of unvaxxed (patents indicate shedding is possible from the vaxxed)? Or insulin? OR childhood vaccines? Or dental numbing agents? What if there is an active disinformation campaign to make this look like a lab leak and to direct attention to careless, rushed processing and not to intentional harm? What if this all supports a global agenda to decrease the earth's population, with certain genetic types targeted for elimination and because of the remote release capabilities, the jab only kills some right away, but will ultimately kill many more from multiple diseases that have been included as a surprise package for staged release and to misdirect attention away from the cause being the jabs but some "outside" pathogen that we must now again be jabbed for? What if other complimentary forms of for example, aresolized hydrogels, toxic metals and other chemical shave been and continue to be injected into the stratosphere via geoengineering to contaminate water, plants, animal and human life with technology while bathing the air with conductive materials that both amplify microwave signals and create greater incendiary reactions to the use of directed energy weapons for say, starting fires or causing earthquakes or hurricanes via HAARP facilities in Alaska, the starlink satellite network, 5 G towers, portable, inflight laser weapons and the ability to geomap specific areas for targeting? What if those who attempted to surface these kinds of issues were silenced or bullied or mysteriously vanished? OR harassed and threatened? What if the now borderless North American continent is being systematically and intentionally invaded (and it's being financed by the UN And US) across our southern border by military aged males from some 140 countries, and that they bring with them on board diseases that have previously largely been vanquished from this country but are now surfacing again -- including marburg, ebola, malaria and typhus as well as hemorrhagic fever? What if the governments of this continent are working WITH the cartels (who are like quasi-governmental agencies now) to traffic humans and specifically, children who are the currency of the street and more valuable than drugs now? What if the U.S. is one of the biggest producers and purveyors of trafficking operations in the world and the border is a constant source of more "stock"? What if our best and greatest hope, a Constitional Republic, has been so utterly compromised and overtaken by fascistic stooges of a global hierarchy, believing they will share in the spoils of a future one world government, who have sold us out and are actively promoting the downfall of the country they call a democracy but which has largely been corporatized for maximum profit? What if it's up to the people who are the biggest targets -- the middle class and the ethnicities, to stop being misdirected by CRT, DEI, ESG and band together to take back the last only hope for the world and all of the resources the globalists wish to confiscate and retain for their elite groups use and consumption only -- culling many and enslaving the rest with electronic panopticon-like mechanisms, central bank digital currency and forced medical injections (up to 500 each) to transform the human race from organic to synthetic, hive-minded zombies (lined by the internet of bodies/internet of all things through 5G) who will serve as the slave class for their new order? What if all of this was planned and is now being executed under our noses with a wave of military-grade propaganda so convincing that few if any will see it -- even those enlightened and reborn of the Spirit of God, who have sold out to woke church organizations that are more businesses than actual ecclesiastical organisms comprised of people who have surrendered themselves to Almighty God through His Son, and our Savior -- the only REAL hope that anyone has in a world that is enamored with and devoted to Satan and His ways and desires? What if we were to awaken our brothers and sisters and invite them to open their eyes and see beyond a two party (Uni-party) theater, ABC agencies that are unconstitutional and violate every principle upon which this republic was founded (and puppet "leaders" who are simply sock puppets for the elites to control)? What if we refuse to comply - to resist and not desist? To expose the evil and demand justice? Turn off our cell phones, TV's and throw away our junk food and distractions and chase the mercy and love of God with everything we have, so that we can stand in the day when we will be required to give an account? And MAYBE, MAYBE, stand a chance of taking back all that once was ours and has been stolen right in front of us?????

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Is say ‘if’ even some of that bears out (it does) then VERY tough times ahead

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Thank you for parsing this out in clear language.

It seems at every step, we learn more and more that exposes the incredible reckless hubris. We don’t know, but they keep acting like they do, and everyone pays the price.

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No doubt all the covidians fearmongering about viral ramifications (eg various forms of "long" covid) are more likely suffering from a wide array of "vaccine" injuries.

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