I skimmed over this but intend to go back and read. But I feel so stupid. I just presumed the wrapper components of the vaccine would be tried and true. You are telling me even the basic wrapper of the vaccine was experimental? and not really proven safe? How is it this is a path society took?

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It has been known for many years that these lipid nanoparticles accumulate in the ovaries. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0168365912000892?via%3Dihub)

Society took this path because the few individuals ethical and courageous enough to mention this troubling fact or mention any evidence which challenged Pfizer's press releases was censored, pilloried and ostracized. The tobacco industry snookered the public, including doctors, for many DECADES that cigarette smoking did not cause lung disease, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Well Big Pharma has way more money, power and connections than Big Tobacco ever had. Society didn't wake up to big tobacco until every doctor, lawyer and judge personally knew someone who smoked and got lung cancer. Society won't wake up to Big Pharma until every doctor, lawyer and judge personally knows someone injured by a vaccine.

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Is it ok if I quote you in a post as I suspect you are right about how this will go down, or not go down anytime soon.

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No. I only post to select sites with open minds. If you want anyone else to read this post, direct them here. Or rewrite the concept in your own words tweaked and/or modified with your research. You certainly can site the journal article which is in the public domain. There are many other articles like it but you have to search extensively to find them. For obvious reasons, no mainstream sources have any interest in people finding out about them. Also for the record, I am not anti-vax or even anti-smoking. I believe every individual should be able to choose what goes into their body. Nobody else should have that power.

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Fair enough.

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I wish I could like this 100 times.

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Great write up thanks. SM-102 can also inhibit nerve transmission, with cardiovascular consequences.

Moderna & SM-102: Fact checking the fact checkers

A sting in the tail


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Thank you, Doorless Carp!

WOW! "Blocking of potassium ion gradients." Just think of the import.....

For the benighted people who took the Pfizer jab, is there anything comparable?

Another great article by Doorless Carp to study!!!!!!

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In his Sept 3 substack article on hot lots of vaccine (Amidwesterndoctor - The Forgotten Side of Medicine), pointed out:

“When I reviewed Pfizer’s internal data, it appeared that the mRNA integrity ranged from 51-71% percent depending on the vaccine lot...”

So in addition to your wonderful article on how much there is still to learn about LNP and there effects, there is still a world of knowledge needed around the actual mRNA. The low integrity range pointed out above by itself should lead to a whole list of questions. Incomplete proteins, potentially pathogenic on their own? It is still hard to believe that the psychopaths in charge are trying to inject this stuff into every living human with so little testing and so many questions unanswered.

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Another interesting post Joomi!

So I was trying to wrap my head around the LNP, and I'm wondering if the dispersion is a consequence of charge repulsion and the ratio of ionizable lipids to other components. It could possibly be that acidification of the LNP leads to accumulation of positive charge and causes them to split thus releasing the mRNA.

At first I was wondering how LNPs got in and Dr. Malone's first discussions made it seem like it entered via membrane fusion. It was only later after I looked through a few LNP papers did I find out that it was the endosomal route.

This would be very interesting, as the concerns over the LNPs serving as acid sponges would actually implicate the use of medications that show endolysosomotropism such as hydroxychloroquine and fluvoxamine.

If we consider that long COVID may be caused by LNP circulation and that the inability to properly acidify the endosomes are part of the dangers then that would warrant seeing if these drugs would have a deleterious effect on those taking these medications chronically.

If doctors are able to look at data for adverse reactions and patients taking these drugs and find some sort of correlative evidence then that may point towards the idea of some sort of LNP trapping being at work.

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With each of your investigations it becomes glaringly clear that billions of people around the world have been used as guinea pigs and mislead about confidence in the safety of the injections. I hope the level of anger builds and becomes a never-to-be-forgotten teachable scenario.

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Excellent discussion. I really appreciate your analyses. Both my spouse and I had severe reactors to the Moderna vaccine. My reaction was allergic and very similar (but far worse) than the allergic reaction I get when exposed to sulfites - a chemical preservative commonly used.

The PEG in the vaccine was known from the outset to cause life-threatening allergic reactions. But the nurse at my health insurance line told me not to go to the hospital when I was clearly experiencing a severe and systemic reaction, including sustained heart pressure.

My spouse had life-threatening reactions but they were different and caused more obvious harms that began with bruising on the fore arm and continued evolving for over 12 months.

The site, how bad is my batch, ranks our batch as in the top 20% for reported adverse events in VAERS. We were initially denied medical care but the reactions were so severe they were eventually recognized and documented in medical treatments, bills, etc.

John Campbell, whose measured analyses are well-documented- recently spoke of his concerns regarding excess deaths not related to COVID-19.

There will be a war waged regarding the cause of those deaths but our personal experience and the research I explored point to the spike protein and its particular hazards when freed from the baggage of the rest of the virus. For us, the vaccine was far worse than the covid we contracted prior to vaccination.

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So sorry to hear that. Both you and your spouse got the same batch? Did you go get the vaccine from the same place at similar times?

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Yes same place and time. I was immediately after spouse.

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Very well put together Joomi, thank you for sharing!

I am also working on this, it will be one chapter of my book.


“There are no cationic lipids in nature,” Cullis says. “And we knew we couldn’t use permanently positively charged lipids because they are so damn toxic.”

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This is a terrific article. I am sorry I am late to reading and responding. I am keeping this adequately or reasonably explain to others what is going on. Many thanks

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Joomi, yours is one of the most important Substacks on Covid and the vaccines out there, filling in gaps that msm publications conveniently leave out with an evidence-based cautionary perspective. Thank you again for a thorough, informative, and masterful essay.

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I think the same study that Pfizer handed to Japan can be found here in Australia:


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Thank you! Regarding the immunesystem there is an intresting paper: "the mRNA BNT162b2 vaccine induces complex functional reprogramming of innate immune responses"


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Thank you, Joomi, for your elucidation of the little known facts about LNPs. An urgent, rather grim reminder of the dangers.

Time for another J C Couey interfiew, please??

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This is amazing article. I’ve been looking for more info about the LPNS. I read somewhere that the chemical company used to make the lpns had a msds data sheet that lists the materials are carcinogenic. Can you comment on this? Or have specific info about this?

I plan to write an article for a local paper about dangers of covid 19 shots. I’m especially concerned now that the shots are added to the childhood immunization schedule. I have a 5 year old and this is my last straw. I need to speak up because parents have no clue. Some mothers won’t let there kids drink from plastic cups yet they allow these toxic shots to be injected into their kids.

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Not sure, but I think Jessica Rose might have written about this at some point

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I think I read that LNPs are one reason that HPV vax is so dangerous. I could easily be mistaken, though.

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