Last month I published a video about why some Democrats were voting for Trump.
I showed the video to some of my Democrat friends and family. The responses to it were… interesting. Sometimes surprising.
I share the responses here:
In the video I also talk about what I learned along the way, including what to do or not do, when you’re discussing contentious topics like Trump.
Let me know your thoughts!
You've made this too complicated.
I myself with great cheer walked to my polling place and whored out my integrity for the sake of the nation, voting for Trump--for the first and now obviously only time--and recognizing that he is quite the imperfect instrument of my vengeance but you gotta go with what you got, and I walked home with even greater cheer, and when PA was called on Election Night I felt all clean and shiny and I ain't feeling even the slightest bit dimmed or grubby yet.
And I'm undoubtedly the only person in my (admittedly small) circle of loved ones and dear ones and even nice acquaintances to have done so. My nearest loved one I informed of my plans before the Great Moment of Flashing My Dainties, so to speak, and he understood why.
It's time we gave over all attempts at persuasion or informing or leading towards the light. Each of us who voted for Trump did so for our own reasons and those reasons might only briefly intersect with anyone else's.
Time to let go now. The rage and despair I've felt over what was done to my most beloved friend of 51 years, killed slowly and horribly over three years by the vax, has broken like the end of a malignant fever with my vote for Trump. It's time to feel normal again now, no matter how anyone else may feel.
Enjoyed hearing you on Bret Weinstein's podcast Joomi. And speaking of which, Bret's pointed out what many of us have experienced (and what you're speaking to in your video) which is how the TDS have "booby trapped the exit" to quote Bret – how actual cults ensure adherence. The TDS have blocked/ghosted/excised us Trump voters, but we did not do the same to them. So who's the real cult at this point in history? It's a clear sign of mass-formation that the TDS just immediately cut out Trump voters. Bret had a delightfully cryptic tweet about this recently:
"If you think tolerance of intolerance is wild, wait till you run up against intolerance of tolerance. It is going to blow your mind."