You've made this too complicated.

I myself with great cheer walked to my polling place and whored out my integrity for the sake of the nation, voting for Trump--for the first and now obviously only time--and recognizing that he is quite the imperfect instrument of my vengeance but you gotta go with what you got, and I walked home with even greater cheer, and when PA was called on Election Night I felt all clean and shiny and I ain't feeling even the slightest bit dimmed or grubby yet.

And I'm undoubtedly the only person in my (admittedly small) circle of loved ones and dear ones and even nice acquaintances to have done so. My nearest loved one I informed of my plans before the Great Moment of Flashing My Dainties, so to speak, and he understood why.

It's time we gave over all attempts at persuasion or informing or leading towards the light. Each of us who voted for Trump did so for our own reasons and those reasons might only briefly intersect with anyone else's.

Time to let go now. The rage and despair I've felt over what was done to my most beloved friend of 51 years, killed slowly and horribly over three years by the vax, has broken like the end of a malignant fever with my vote for Trump. It's time to feel normal again now, no matter how anyone else may feel.

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I'd gone 34 years before 2024 without ever voting for a rethuglican candidate. rarely voted demoncrat. both wings of the Uniparty suck globalist schlong but the pResidential candidates have all been especially horrid throughout my voting-age experience.

this time I held my nose and voted for the Orange Man out of pure spite against the BlueNoMatterWho™ crowd and their past 4 years of blatantly unconstitutional overreach. figured this time around since my third party votes only contribute to at best a 10% constituency in this region I'd rather cancel some pro-demonrat voter than vote my conscience.

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Hold one's nose? I breathed the free air of "fuck this shit" when I voted. He still ain't my guy, really, but the whoring bit didn't hurt at all.

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I took a big breath of that "fuck this shit" before holding my nose. he's certainly not "my guy"... screwed the postal service with his privatization centered DeJoy and me personally financially via FHA program modifications his first time in office. but that's still nothing compared to the Brandon regime and the thought of their DEI VP getting the reins, which disgusted me enough to vote for the Lesser Evil™ this time.

I normally "throw away my vote" on third parties instead of voting Republicrat Uniparty, as the Lesser Evil is still plenty evil.

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I voted for purely detonatory purposes.

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Enjoyed hearing you on Bret Weinstein's podcast Joomi. And speaking of which, Bret's pointed out what many of us have experienced (and what you're speaking to in your video) which is how the TDS have "booby trapped the exit" to quote Bret – how actual cults ensure adherence. The TDS have blocked/ghosted/excised us Trump voters, but we did not do the same to them. So who's the real cult at this point in history? It's a clear sign of mass-formation that the TDS just immediately cut out Trump voters. Bret had a delightfully cryptic tweet about this recently:

"If you think tolerance of intolerance is wild, wait till you run up against intolerance of tolerance. It is going to blow your mind."


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Dec 23Edited

I discovered you during Covid and found your analyses to be the clearest to understand of all the scientific stuff I was reading. Your video was a magnum opus and I loved it. The like-minded people I sent it to also loved it. The morning after the election, my only remaining democrat friend texted me and said, “I need help understanding what just happened. And don’t be cruel.” So I sent her your video. I carefully selected some additional analytical pieces and did not send any of the hysterically funny memes or snide articles that were circulating after the election. After a few days she wrote back, “I didn’t want vitriol. I wanted you to ask me how I’m doing and how my friends are doing.” I doubt she even opened your video. None of these people asked those of us who were persecuted or lost jobs over the vaccine mandate how we were doing. Over the past year I have sent her fact-based articles and nothing has penetrated her partisan identity. She has immediately tried to factcheck me using Reuters/Politifact/NPR. I’ve never once been successful using facts with people whose identity is completely wrapped up in “not being a republican.” They doubledown and start the name calling. And if they were friends, they end the friendship overtly or just never contact us again. If they were casual encounters with people at a party, they don’t hesitate to try to humiliate or shame me. I don’t bring up politics, but I’ve made a decision to not remain silent when they say something disparaging about Trump voters/policies/appointees. I change no minds, but I refuse to let them assume they can repeat lies and smears and remain unchallenged. They are bullies.

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Thank you for this! We have gone through a lot of similar experience with friends and family. Democrats have been given license by the captured media to strong arm and vocalize their opinions without challenge. Every bit of pushback and truth telling, curiosity and challenge helps, in my opinion. We just have to do it a little more creatively, as you have done here, to break through the propaganda.

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It takes courage for any adult to reverse their position and change course, particularly with political opinions in this divisive time. Like you I was a Kennedy supporter, my wife MAGA, but what was most important to me was that Trump and the Democrats who came out supporting him were all strong free speech advocates. He will make mistakes but we will be free to criticize his policies. Free speech was viewed as an obstacle by the Dems. The deep state oposition, supported by the propaganda press will continue. So will the dissident media on substack.

Dick Minnis removingthecataract.substack.com

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You've been a sound voice providing perspective. Loved your film and shared it with many. It helped change a few minds of some friends, amazing!! Very well done! Appreciate everything you're doing 💚

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No political party fits a person of concience such as yourself. Keep doing your own thing.

Stepping out, and being the rebel has a social cost, but it eventually leads to much better quality sleep.

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Thank you Joomi for both videos. I had a similar journey and transitioned from Dem to independent to Trump voter. Your videos validated my experiences. I began following you after the first one. I didn’t share your videos with any Trump haters, just a few who were asking questions. I don’t engage people who are emotional about politics or fixed in their views. I’ve had bad experiences. But when I see a little flame in their mind, I gently feed it, especially if I think the person could be a positive influence after the “red pill”. I don’t engage NPCs, that’s a waste of time.

Keep doing this. I look forward to your posts.

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Being on the left is a religion. I don’t think Trump voters cut friends and family out of their lives for voting democrat.

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I admire you for your effort and I think you are doing great. I appreciate you sharing publically so some stranger like myself can benefit.

1. You couldn't have catered more to an imaginary audience because that would mean betraying yourself, your truth, again.

2. It is not your responsibility to change anyone else's mind. Of course you can try, but I'm curious on why you want to. Everyone has their path, and everything in life is designed down to the smallest detail, so I trust that and try to live my best life.

3. Highly recommend the latest Joe Rogan podcast w/Mike Benz. MB describes how the Blob views media outlets (such as NYT) as their ASSETS. w/Marc Andreesen who describes the bubble you refer to.

4. It took getting kicked out of NYC & forced to close my Chinese Medicine practice in 2020 to undo my own programming, and by now, 5 years later, I guess I can accept that many will never open up enough to listen or think for themselves.

5. I just communicated to someone who has not spoken to their son for 4 years and counting, not over a vote but over the Cv mandates. Son-in-law is consultant for WHO. That is tragic. My husband's best friend called him a murderer for not getting the jab. That is hurtful. My transformation guide believes friendships can come and go, there's no fast rule that says once you're friends you should make that permanent, so I'm leaning on that to let go of some of these relationships, and grateful that I have not lost family relationships that way.

6. The emotions attached to politics in this country reflects how unwell and imbalanced this society is. I'm also learning to allow myself to feel, so I'm currently processing a lot of the anger and grief from 2020.

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Nice to see moderate Democrats thinking clearly. It's the people in the moderate middle, both the Left and the Right, that swing one way to decide the elections.

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I greatly appreciate you sharing your experience with this. I felt at many times like I was listening to myself as you talked about your journey politically -- mine has been so similar. And I had a terrible shock a few days after the election when a dear friend whom I've known for over 50 years ended our friendship because I had voted for Kennedy. She refused to even discuss it; she said a vote for Kennedy was a vote for Trump, so she couldn't stay friends with me because we no longer had the same values (which actually is not true). It's been a very painful thing to go through, yet I feel encouraged by what you say in this video about the value of sharing facts and just being honest about what we see rather than staying silent to not cause disruption. I may try to reach out to her again at some time in the future, but more importantly, I want to be more open in general about sharing what I see and think. Thanks very much for what you're doing.

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You were brave and wise to follow your instincts and the results of your research even though you knew it would antagonize some of your relatives. Here is how it went with me, with one of my relatives: https://liveyosemite.wordpress.com/2024/12/23/after-the-election/

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Almost everything Democrats push is a scam and the common denominator is Marxism in the end. Good job!

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Trump for the change we deserve 💚💚🇺🇸🇺🇸

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