Great comprehensive essay on the "real" truth behind the mainstream beliefs. The numerous supporting links to articles and interviews that I never knew existed show your incredible dedication to actual research.

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“Outright lies” over time become “we were wrong” and “better safe than sorry”. They are never labeled liars, as that is the secret to their longevity and legacy.

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After some prior prodding from the counterculture, it was Daniel Ellsberg's revelations in the Pentagon Paper's that finally brought the populace to the opinion that "enough is enough" during the Vietnam War. The American public has viewed foreign military adventures negatively ever since.

If lives had not been lost, Bush's wet dreams over Iraq would have been especially laughable... he had campaigned for the Presidency by promising to put an end to Clinton's stupid little wars. Once our troops departed Afghanistan, those sorts of military adventures supposedly came to an end. A few weeks later, Ukraine erupted and a new round of saber-rattling began.

When will they ever learn?

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The media has hoodwinked us times and times again since the Iraq war. We are definitely not learning from the past.

What struck me with the entire Covid media propaganda was how the mainstream media switched from one fake narrative (the reporting on CAA) to another fake narrative (the Covid plandemic) in an instant.

With CAA I mean how the international mainstream media reported on the Indian CAA law (a law that is designed to help refugees from Afghanistan and Pakistan, countries where Hindu and Christian minorities are persecuted). The mainstream media in the US and UK pushed the narrative that this law was somehow "evil".

And this (morally repugnant) narrative was pushed literally just before the Covid narrative.

This should have been an eye opener that something with the mainstream media was off and that it cannot be trusted.

And then this CAA narrative was replaced with the Covid narrative almost in an instant.

I wrote an article on this very subject https://wordvirus.substack.com/p/the-mass-media-bullshit-detector

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Thanks for putting this together -- now may it reach as many as possible!

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"Oh, and let’s try to prevent WWIII."

Best idea this century!

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Great writeup. I hope your next article answers all the questions you brought up about Ukraine with the correct answers! I'd looking forward to THAT!

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Whenever they (the LEFT/MEDIA/TECH elites) cheerlead so hard and every idiot celeb gets on board, you know they are full of crap!!

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Yes, there were no WMD in Iraq.

Yes, the Bush Administration lied about this.

Yes, lying deserves firing.

You've heard all that a million times, and it's all true.

What you almost never hear is that if it weren't for the American invasion of Iraq we'd most likely now be witnessing a nuclear arms race between Iraq and Iran which other Mideast nations would feel compelled to join.

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One commonality between the War in Terror and the War on Covid is the propaganda style: we invite catastrophe if we do nothing; we’re fighting an invisible enemy that could be anywhere; freedom must be sacrificed for security/safety; anyone who opposes the government’s response is a terrorist sympathizer/selfish granny-killer.

Obviously the WoT propaganda works best on right-leaning jingoists and xenophobes, whereas the WoC propaganda works best on left-leaning collectivist types. But the media certainly knows how to push its audience’s buttons.

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Recently spoken aloud at the World Government Summit (paraphrasing): we're already in world war three (fighting has been going on in space and underwater for the last four years, but now it's coming to land).

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