May 3, 2023Liked by Joomi Kim

So what happened to Joe Scarborough? Joe is now part of an organization that, for its continued existence, depends on pharma revenues.

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May 3, 2023·edited May 3, 2023Liked by Joomi Kim

"The press is our chief ideological weapon."

—Nikita Khrushchev

“The press should be not only a collective propagandist and a collective agitator, but also a collective organizer of the masses.”

- Vladimir Lenin


“Our job is to give people not what they want, but what we decide they ought to have.”

- Richard Salant, former head of CBS News


MSNBC. Mostly Stupid Nitwits Broadcasting Cant (cant means "lying jargon" folks)

Why anyone would choose to watch a modern day broadcast Der Sturmer (Goebbels' Nazi propaganda rag) is beyond me.

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Wow that needs to be shared. There’s at least one video with Jon Stewart saying similar things on his show. The movie Vaxxed even showed in theaters. Robert DeNiiro was sympathetic. Someone got to them … Leonard Lopate, too, well before he fell victim to cancel culture, said on his show in the early 2000s that his son became autistic shortly after a vaccine and he made the connection, I don’t think he ever recanted.

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May 4, 2023·edited May 4, 2023Liked by Joomi Kim

I couldn’t make it through the Jan 2023 Scarborough video. Do people really watch this stuff? It’s so discouraging, the way the world has changed from people having different opinions, to if your opinion is different than mine, then I’m right and you’re wrong. And on top of that, I’m going to ridicule and censor you. Frightening and infuriariting.

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Hi Joomi,

That is quite interesting indeed.

Good to know, thank you for sharing!

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Thank you Joomi.

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"In the end all corruption will come about as a consequence of the natural sciences" - Søren Kirkegård, 1813 - 1855 Here, he is dissing corrupt scientists, not science. I have put the full quote at bottom for context.

Also, per Russian philosopher Nicolai Berdyaev "If God doesnt' exist, then man doesn't either." Joined by fellow Russian Dostoyevski in Brothers Karamozov "If there is no God... everything is permissible." Swiss theologian/philosopher Francis Schaeffer once wrote that there are things we can do, and things we should. We have abandoned the latter constraint... .which is pretty much what Joseph Mengele, Dr. Karl Brandt, and Shiro Ishii of Japanese unit 731 did.

But as Dr. Donald MacKay discussed in his debate with BF Skinnner a few decade back, there is more to man than machine. He called in "nothing buttery" (man is nothing but a complex stimulus response mechanism). CS Lewis talked all about how this will end up in his prescient, under-read book, That Hideous Strength. This will not end well. And any philosophy that erects, Babel-like, a fist against God and His laws will ipso facto result in death. Think The Black Book of Communism, Courtois, et al, Harvard Univ Press, which says the left murdered 100 million last century in its quest for utopia. The late Dr RJ Rummel, Univ of Hawaii (I know, tough job, but SOMEONE had to do it, right? put the number as high as 170 freaking million https://www.hawaii.edu/powerkills/

Yeah, fasco-Marxism (fascism and Marxism, of course, are cousins; and the non-Einstein brownshirts at Antifa ought to learn that Nazi stands for National SOCIALIST German Workers Party which adopted explicitly socialist planks at its first convention - and I do this from memory - Feb. 20, 1920 in Munich


Full quote: Almost everything that nowadays flourishes most conspicuously under the name of science (especially as natural science) is not really science but curiosity. In the end all corruption will come about as a consequence of the natural sciences… But such a scientific method become especially dangerous and pernicious when it would encroach also upon the sphere of the spirit, let it deal with plants and animals and stars in that way; but to deal with the human spirit in that way is blasphemy, which only weakens ethical and religious passion. Even the act of eating is more reasonable than the speculating with a microscope upon the functions of digestion… A dreadful sophistry spreads microscopically and telescopically into tomes, and yet it the last resort produces nothing, qualitatively understood, though it does, to be sure, cheat men out of the simple profound and passionate wonder which gives impetus to the ethical… the only thing certain is the ethical-religious

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Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I had no idea Scarborough said this kind of thing 18 years ago. Nowadays, if I happen to see an excerpt of his show, it seems to have degenerated into a one-dimensional, deceptive, childish, simple-minded, political cheerleading session. Perhaps continued injections of thimerosal have diminished his brain's capacity for analytical thought.

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I can say with the utmost certainty that I know more about immunology than my doctor because when all this went down, before the transfections came out, I started reading about this stuff. I wanted to know why, if coronaviruses were so deadly, there was no vaccine already developed. That curiosity kept me healthy and free from transfection.

These pinheads have no curiosity yet think others are stupid. There's a word for that - arrogance.

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Not too mention that vaccine failure is causing the old and extinct viruses to return.

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What happened is all the paychecks that buy beach houses and Ferrari’s….. the vast majority of our press are literally demonic as far as I can tell. Jake Tapper was outed as having a jump the shark moment on vaccines as well. He was going to run a story and canceled due to pressure from above and he never looked back. These people are doing so much damage to society. They should be locked up. Have an honest conversation for f*cks sake.

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I never watched morning Joe before. I just watched a few minutes of that second YouTube. I cannot believe the vitriol that that guy spews out of his mouth. It is unbelievable. I hope he continues to get ALL the boosters, that’s all I can say.

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Joe's wallet got fatter - that's what happened.

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He doesn’t want to be fired like they did to Tucker Carlson because for him it’s career ending. Tucker did not sell his soul to the devil and people love him for it. He is in high demand. On the contrary, Any old Joe can, and it does appear, sell out. That is not anything decent people will respect or defend when it all comes down.

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Having a look at Joe's pay stubs might give us an answer.

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This Joe is absolutely out of control, making voices, calling stupid openly to the audiences, this is the power of pharma money, this is comparable to what happened in Nazi Germany, regular people turning to monsters since everyone has become one, today it's worst cause there's no ideology, is just money.

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