I wrote the corresponding author to ask whether they’d done any subset analysis of the most strongly affected cases, and whether the individual who’d had a 20% reduction in VO2Max had medical follow up. My interest was in whether there might be a gender difference in delta vo2max. The person with 20% drop got an echocardiogram which was normal. They did not do subset analysis according to the corresponding author. If you have any questions for them, I’d be happy to forward them on - I.e. more details on the participant with 20% drop

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Competitive sports isn’t the place to examine this, because players on both sides have mostly been vaccinated. Track and field events have objectively stats that can be measured. Are marathon runners posting poorer times? Are long jumpers landing closer? Etc.

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For what it's worth, I just looked at the results for the 2022 Boston Marathon, particularly men aged 18-39, and the times are better than those for 2017, 2018, and 2019. Seems encouraging.

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All cause mortality from Insurance data is off the charts. Everyone needs to watch both recent documentaries “Died Suddenly” and “Anecdotals”

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What is mind blowing is that these so called vaccines are under emergency use authorization (AKA, they are experimental). The world doesn’t even have transparent safety studies on these products and people seem to be all good with that. And here we are doing research on young healthy athlete! Unbelievable! Unethical!

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The tapering effect is very well known with athletes so if the participants took say three days off after their booster shot one would expect an increase in VO2 max from the short break. I remember before my first marathon being told to not do any long runs in the week prior and not to run at all for three days before the event. The very short follow up is concerning: do those numbers rebound later? I'm also curious if they kicked any other would be participants out of the analysis other than the one who did not exercise and the one who got Covid. Would any elite athlete in their right mind take this stuff if they knew it could severely adversely affect performance?

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Yes, clown world. I think deep down a lot of people know it's a risk, but know which side their bread is buttered and go with the flow to succeed in their career, even if it's athletics. It's easy to be left out a team or dressing room or national squad because you're too much of an individual.

Sergio Aguero was in adverts telling kids under 12 to get vaccinated in his native Argentina. His career was finished by the jabs he took. Yet when 18months later Argentina won the world cup he raced to get changed into kit and have a lift of the world cup and a photo opportunity and the masses went mad for it saying what a lovely, touching scene.

I'm sure he persuaded a few hundred thousand kids and a percentage of them have had adverse effects. Not such glorious scenes but no cameras rolling for those tragedies.

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From the chart, it looks like some people improved their reading, while some got worse.

What's the natural variability in VO2 max readings if you test the same people from one week to the next?

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Thank you, Joomi. 

How about analogizing the decline in aerobic capacity with that of breast cancer patients?

EXCERPT: "Declines in aerobic capacity have been observed during breast cancer treatment, which is likely a combination of the direct and indirect effects of the treatment itself, and associated reduction in physical activity leading to deconditioning.4 Maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) – the upper limit to the rate of oxygen utilisation, as measured by a cardiopulmonary exercise test – is the gold standard measurement of cardiorespiratory fitness and the capacity for physical work.5 In clinical populations, VO2max may not be achieved during a cardiopulmonary exercise test, so the peak oxygen consumption (VO2peak) is used instead. VO2peak is associated with all-cause,6 cardiovascular disease-specific7, 8 and breast cancer-specific9 mortality. A recent cross-sectional study reported that women diagnosed with breast cancer have a VO2peak on average 27% lower than that expected for healthy sedentary women.10"

https://www.google.com/search?q=decrease+in+aerobic+capavity+in+breast+cancer+patients&sxsrf=ALiCzsZAMijYGTTw44L3BHK92f_MyF7jog%3A1672128291034&source=hp&ei=IqeqY937O5-wqtsP9Mi-kAQ&iflsig=AJiK0e8AAAAAY6q1M3NyiMIExg9xhIJUZ2vdAbVbXDdY&ved=0ahUKEwjdlLamq5n8AhUfmGoFHXSkD0IQ4dUDCAo&uact=5&oq=decrease+in+aerobic+capavity+in+breast+cancer+patients&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyBwghEKABEAoyBwghEKABEAoyBwghEAoQqwI6BQgAEKIEOgcIABAeEKIEOgUIIRCrAjoHCCMQ6gIQJzoECCMQJzoFCAAQkQI6EQguEIAEELEDEIMBEMcBENEDOg4ILhCABBCxAxDHARDRAzoICC4QsQMQgwE6CgguEIAEEIcCEBQ6CwguEIAEELEDEIMBOgUIABCABDoLCAAQgAQQsQMQgwE6CAgAEIAEELEDOggIABCxAxCDAToFCC4QgAQ6DQgAEIAEELEDEEYQ-QE6CggAEIAEEEYQ_wE6BggAEBYQHjoFCAAQhgM6CAgAEBYQHhAPOgUIIRCgAToICCEQFhAeEB06CgghEBYQHhAPEB06DQghEBYQHhDxBBAKEB06CgghEBYQHhAKEB06DAghEBYQHhAPEAoQHVAAWM-MAWCmjgFoA3AAeAOAAY0BiAHDM5IBBTI3LjM3mAEAoAEBsAEK&sclient=gws-wizAerobic capacity

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What I have noticed is that injuries seemed to be up in the NFL.

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Regarding the troponin essay, which is supposed to be a sensititive test to detect myocardial damage, they did actually report summary statistics: median [IQR] pre = post 4.0 [4.0] ng/ml;p= 0.82). But is an exactly identical median and IQR plausible?

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Thanks, I actually missed that. I updated the article to include that. It's strange how they reported that

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Great analysis! Thanks! And yes, the study was weak for a number of reasons most obviously because of its extremely short study period duration.

I just read an article by Toby Rogers who said in an article about "Brahmins" (intellectually gifted students) that "And now it is happening again. Intelligence is inversely correlated with the number of shots one has received." https://tobyrogers.substack.com/p/toward-some-semblance-of-sanity

It would seem self-evident especially given the rapidly rising amount of data revealing serious adverse vaccine effects but has anyone seen any credible studies that examined that vaccine - IQ relationship?

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Great article. I would add the confounding variable of non-native Electromagnetic Radiation to the mix (including Wireless Radiofrequency Radiation). This variable has increased markedly during the same data timeline as the rise in cardiac events and other heath issues. Non-native Electromagnetic Radiation offers a possible synergistic effect with the pollutants inside our bodies—similar to a human version of the metal spoon in a microwave—as we accumulate more metals and pollutants. I share more on my Substack here: https://reclaimedwellness.substack.com/

Arthur Firstenberg, independent scientist and author of The Invisible Radinbow, shares an interesting perspective here: https://cellphonetaskforce.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Birds-on-Texel-Island.pdf Non-native Electromagnetic Radiation is a confounding variable for the sudden death in many animals (e.g., birds, whales, bees, etc.).

His article is worth a read when you have the time. Thanks for your work!

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I had not heard of this study either, and it is underappreciated indeed. I imagine the grand tour cycling club managers are kicking themselves right about now.

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Just watched Brett Weinstein on Rogan and he mentioned Joomi's substack for information on jab effect on athletes I was excited because I've wondered for a long time why we are not seeing discernible differences in athletic performance between jabbed and unjabbed. Some athletes in the US have been knocked out of their sport entirely, but otherwise I've seen nothing. Dovak and Kyrie are doing fine, but about the same as always. I tried to notice if schools with mandates fared poorly in the bowls, but didn't really see that. Of course even no-mandate schools are highly jabbed probably. Joomi did what she could with this study but it was quite lame. If you're going to all that trouble, why quit so soon? Makes no sense. Our best bet is probably to monitor swimming, track and field, weightlifting, etc - sports with objective measurements, as another commenter mentioned.

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I think the vaccines might not just impact the performance of athletes... If the paper from the scientists from Erlangen is correct and people are experiencing a shift after the third shot from igg1 to IgG4 and this paper is correct about the effect of IgG4 independent of it's specific antigen on tumor growth...


"We further found that IgG4, regardless of its antigen specificity, inhibited the classic immune reactions of antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity, antibody-dependent cellular phagocytosis and complement-dependent cytotoxicity against cancer cells in vitro, and these effects were obtained through its Fc fragment reacting to the Fc fragments of cancer-specific IgG1 that has been bound to cancer antigens"

Future outlook might be bad...

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I imagine professional athletes recognize the decline and are talking about it with one another...

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Excellent stuff, thanks. Like me you've probably noticed that many sportsmen and women are suddenly reporting as "ill" in the past year or two and unable to play, only to mysteriously return a week or two later apparently OK again. Not injured but "ill". This never happened before and I've long believed it's a side effect of the 'vaccines', perhaps they're picking up a variety of infections and struggling to fight them off, or in the worse case could possibly even have a slightly elevated heart rate or similar and are being told to rest until it returns to "normal". We won't be told, that's for sure

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